Juego en python3
Este Juego te va haciendo una serie de preguntas y tienes que elegir la respuesta correcta para que te aparezca la siguiente pregunta.
En teoria vas ganando puntos pero esa parte no me funciona a dia de hoy, sim embargo funciona si eliges las respuestas corectas. Si te equibocas termina el juego.
Vamos por partes, primero llamo al directorio donde tengo, en mi sistema python, empiezo a definir las clases Robots, Humans y main. En main esta el grueso del programa pero debemos de definir las variables antes para poder llamarlas en el main:
class Robots:
def __init__(self):
def WalkLikeARobot(self, WalkingStyle):
self.WalkingStyle = WalkingStyle
return self.WalkingStyle
def CareLikeARobot(self):
print("takes care like a robot.")
class Humans:
def __init__(self, nature = "good"):
self.nature = nature
def GoodHumanBeing(self):
print("need not repeat, a good human beung is always", self.nature)
def BadHumanBeing(self):
self.nature = ("need not repeat, a bad human being is always", self.nature)
def WalkLikeARobot(self, WalkingStyle):
self.WalkingStyle = WalkingStyle
return self.WalkingStyle
def main():
Una vez definidas mis variables entro en el main, tengo que asignar valores a las variables que iran camiando de valor segun se valla ejecutando el programa.
def main():
robu = Robots()
# robu.CareLikeARobot()
# print (robu.WalkLikeARobot("A robot walks like a robot and nothing hapends."))
GoodMan = Humans()
# print (GoodMan.nature)
# GoodMan.GoodHumanBeing()
BadMan = Humans()
# BadMan.nature = "bad"
# pint(BadMan.nature)
# BadMan.BadHumanBeing()
# print (BadMan.WalkLikeARobot("he is human but walks like a robot"))
# when a bad man walks like a robot many things happen
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot = BadMan.WalkLikeARobot(dict(change = 'he becomes a monster inside',
act = 'he kills fellow people' ,
feel = 'he enjoys torturing animals',
care = 'he cares for none',
look = 'he looks a normal human being',
state = 'finally he destroys himself:'))
# there are lot of actions that take place
A continuacion empiezo con el bucle con if, else, en este programa las opciones que están en el if funcionan pero debe de haber algun fallo en los else ya que no los coge. Esto se revisará en posteriores mejoras del código. le indico que me tiene que sacar por pantalla con print
print = ("What happends when a Bad Man walks like a Robot?")
change = input("Tell us what kind of change may take place inside him?\n Choose between 'monster' and 'angel'," "and type here ...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
reward = 0
if change == 'monster':
reward = 1000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What does he do? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['act'])
change = input("Now tell us what the monster feels inside while killing people?\n Choose between 'great' and 'sad',"
"and type here....>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] == change
if change == 'great':
print = ("You have won the second round:")
reward = 10000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
pint = ("What he feels inside? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot
change = input("Tell us does the monster care for anyone?\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] == change
if change == 'no':
print = ("You have won the third round:")
reward = 100000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What he feels inside= :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot
change = input("Tell us does the monster look like a normal human being?\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
if change == 'yes':
print = ("You have won the fourth round:")
reward = 1000000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What does he look like? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['look'])
change = input("Tell us what happends to the monster finally? Does he destroy himself\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
if change == 'yes ':
print = ("You have won Jackpot.", reward, "points.")
reward = 10000000
print = ("You have change the course of game. It ends here. You Lost", reward - 100000, "points.")
print = ("You have change the course of game. It ends here. You lost", reward - 1000, "points.")
print = ("You have changed the course of game. It ends here. You lost", reward - 100, "pints.")
print = ("You have changed the course of the game. It ends here. You have lost", reward - 10, "points.")
print = ("You have changed the course of game. It ends here and you have won no point.")
Para cerrar es sumamente importante cerrar el main con las siguientes líneas, si no se usa la indentacion adecuada, no funcionará.
if __name__ == "__main__":
Finalmente el programa queda así
class Robots:
def __init__(self):
def WalkLikeARobot(self, WalkingStyle):
self.WalkingStyle = WalkingStyle
return self.WalkingStyle
def CareLikeARobot(self):
print("takes care like a robot.")
class Humans:
def __init__(self, nature = "good"):
self.nature = nature
def GoodHumanBeing(self):
print("need not repeat, a good human beung is always", self.nature)
def BadHumanBeing(self):
self.nature = ("need not repeat, a bad human being is always", self.nature)
def WalkLikeARobot(self, WalkingStyle):
self.WalkingStyle = WalkingStyle
return self.WalkingStyle
def main():
robu = Robots()
# robu.CareLikeARobot()
# print (robu.WalkLikeARobot("A robot walks like a robot and nothing hapends."))
GoodMan = Humans()
# print (GoodMan.nature)
# GoodMan.GoodHumanBeing()
BadMan = Humans()
# BadMan.nature = "bad"
# pint(BadMan.nature)
# BadMan.BadHumanBeing()
# print (BadMan.WalkLikeARobot("he is human but walks like a robot"))
# when a bad man walks like a robot many things happen
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot = BadMan.WalkLikeARobot(dict(change = 'he becomes a monster inside',
act = 'he kills fellow people' ,
feel = 'he enjoys torturing animals',
care = 'he cares for none',
look = 'he looks a normal human being',
state = 'finally he destroys himself:'))
# there are lot of actions that take place
print = ("What happends when a Bad Man walks like a Robot?")
change = input("Tell us what kind of change may take place inside him?\n Choose between 'monster' and 'angel'," "and type here ...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
reward = 0
if change == 'monster':
reward = 1000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What does he do? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['act'])
change = input("Now tell us what the monster feels inside while killing people?\n Choose between 'great' and 'sad',"
"and type here....>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] == change
if change == 'great':
print = ("You have won the second round:")
reward = 10000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
pint = ("What he feels inside? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot
change = input("Tell us does the monster care for anyone?\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] == change
if change == 'no':
print = ("You have won the third round:")
reward = 100000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What he feels inside= :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot
change = input("Tell us does the monster look like a normal human being?\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
if change == 'yes':
print = ("You have won the fourth round:")
reward = 1000000
print = ("You have won ", reward, "points.")
print = ("What does he look like? :", WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['look'])
change = input("Tell us what happends to the monster finally? Does he destroy himself\n Choose between 'yes' and 'no',"
"and type here...>>>>")
WhenABadManWalksLikeARobot['change'] = change
if change == 'yes ':
print = ("You have won Jackpot.", reward, "points.")
reward = 10000000
print = ("You have change the course of game. It ends here. You Lost", reward - 100000, "points.")
print = ("You have change the course of game. It ends here. You lost", reward - 1000, "points.")
print = ("You have changed the course of game. It ends here. You lost", reward - 100, "pints.")
print = ("You have changed the course of the game. It ends here. You have lost", reward - 10, "points.")
print = ("You have changed the course of game. It ends here and you have won no point.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Es muy importante guardar el script con extension .py y darle permisos de ejecucion.
sudo chmod 750 robot.py
h4nna@h4nnahack:~/python$ ./robot.py
Tell us what kind of change may take place inside him?
Choose between 'monster' and 'angel',and type here ...>>>>monster
Now tell us what the monster feels inside while killing people?
Choose between 'great' and 'sad',and type here....>>>>